Week 2 reflection

I posted about student engagement and ownership in learning. I got a lot of really good feedback and have a lot to think about. It definitely helps guide my topic and research. I definitely do not feel alone in this at all. I was able to give ideas about technology to others planning on using it or researching it. I have had a few years of experience with technology in the classroom and I feel like I am able to give helpful tips on this topic.

Accountability is definitely important. Allowing others to see my work and comment on it is challenging for me. I feel like it has to be perfect before anyone sees. But, I realize that this is not going to benefit me at all. Accountability with collaboration is going to help me in the long run. I appreciate all the comments and hope that I can help the rest of you and that my comments will be meaningful and not full of fluffy comments.

Week 2 Essential Question

How do I want to improve teaching and learning in my classroom? How can collaborating with others support my teaching and learning goals?

I have been teaching for 15+ years now. I can say that I know more today then I did when I started, but I don’t know everything; my students of that constantly remind me! With each class, come new lessons, not just for my students, but for me as well. My students continue to stretch me and make me reach to do things different, if not better.

One thing that I would like to improve on is giving students ownership in their learning. Many are learning, but there are a few that just don’t “get it”. These students “go with the flow” because that is what they are “supposed to do”. They go through the motions, but they don’t understand why they are doing it. So I would like to improve upon this and help them own their learning. My classroom is very teacher directed at this point, but I would like to see it student-led. I can see the benefits of a “flipped” classroom, but am having difficulty seeing how it would work with a Kindergarten classroom.

It is a shame that we only get our students for one year. It is already half way over and I am just now getting to really know them. I have a firm understanding of who is succeeding and who needs extra support. I love chatting with the other teachers in my classroom (I have an intensive student aide, and a classroom aide). They provide a different perspective sometimes, and sometimes we see the same struggles and we brainstorm how we can help our students. Collaborating also brings accountability. If I have a partner, or partners, I know I will show up and do my part because someone else is depending on me. I personally learn more and understand more when I am able to discuss and work through things with another person. They give me feedback and other ideas that maybe I haven’t tried before.

Week #1 Reflection

Week 1 Reflection

After reading through many blogs this weekend, I feel a bit of relief! I am not the only one who is feeling overwhelmed! I can empathize with many of my classmates in the overwhelming feeling of researching. But, I have also learned to communicate with others. Fear has been my biggest stumbling block. I was fearful of this class and it has held me back far too long. I overcame the fear and finally talked with colleagues about what I am going through and what I need to be doing. Talking definitely helps give me clarity of thought. Reading blogs and sharing ideas is going to benefit everyone. Words, thoughts, and feelings are hard to read or express in print, so definitely having someone to talk to in person is a huge help!

I think I have an idea of what I want to research. But, I teach kindergarten. And a big part of action research is data collection. So, my next wondering is, ‘how am I going to collect data in my kindergarten classroom?’ I chose my topic based on how frustrated I was feeling because of students’ inattention. What are some things you as a teacher are frustrated with in your classes?

Classroom Research

What is classroom research and how can it improve teaching and learning in my classroom?

I’m going to be honest and say that the word “research” freaks me out!  I have never been a strong reader (or writer).  I am such a scatterbrain and can’t focus longer than five minutes at a time, so “Classroom Research” has me anxious!  So, with that, I had to just MAKE myself sit down and FOCUS for more than five minutes and wrap my head around this idea of research.

Classroom research is a way for teachers to focus attention on a problem or question about his or her classroom. Classroom research is a way to improve teaching in your own classroom. By researching the problem or question, we can find out what others have done to make teaching better.

A problem that I am having in my classroom is student engagement. I want my students to be more engaged in the lessons or activities. I want my students to have ownership in their learning and show responsibility and independence.   I want my classroom to be more student-centered, rather than teacher-centered.

This is not my first time in this class. I couldn’t quite figure things out for myself. But, I have to say that this time around, I have a clear focus of what I want to do and what I should focus on. I’m ready! I WILL complete this course and finish with a bang. I want to improve myself and benefit my students!