Week 9 reflection

I am so thankful for the “cheat sheet” from Dr. Jones’ website. I don’t have everything figured out yet, but it was a big help in guiding me to the end. Thanks to Stephanie, I was able to find it because I had forgotten about this resource page. I was stuck, and she was able to lead me to the page.

I am glad to know that we are all in the same place. I am not a confident writer, but my PLN has been very helpful to me. They give me the encouragement to keep on going! We are all still learning and it helps to know that we are all learning this together.

My students in my kindergarten class have been very understanding as well. We have discussed that I am a student now and that I have a teacher and other students in my class. I told them that they were my teachers and I was learning from them. They thought that was pretty cool. I told them that they help me become a better teacher. Man, did they smile so big!

Looking forward to collecting more data this week too. I only have one week’s worth so far, due to our early spring break. Can’t wait to see what comes up.

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